Enjoy a Shapely, Contoured Look

Dr. Garramone has been performing liposuction and a number of other incredible procedures for patients in Fort Myers, Naples FL, and the nearby areas, enabling patients to enhance their overall shape by permanently removing pesky fat deposits that won’t respond to more traditional methods. The liposuction procedure is consistently among the top five aesthetic plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States, and Dr. Garramone has extensive experience with creating elegant, naturalistic results. Reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about how he can help you enjoy the body of your dreams!

Learn the Basics About Liposuction

Is Liposuction the Right Choice for Me?

Here at Garramone Plastic Surgery, one of the things that we pride ourselves on is our commitment to working closely with each and every patient who comes through our doors. For over two decades, we’ve been uniting patients in Fort Myers, Naples FL, and the nearby areas with the outcomes of their dreams, and we’ll help you pick the procedure that’s right for you.

You’re likely a great candidate for liposuction in Fort Myers if you’re at or near your target weight but still have troublesome areas where stubborn deposits of fat just aren’t responding to your healthy eating and consistent exercise.

Woman in White Bikini

Which Type of Liposuction
Is Best For Me?

There are different types of Liposuction procedures, and Dr. Garramone will work with you to determine which one is best for you during your consultation. Liposuction can be performed to achieve a relatively small volume reduction, or in some cases, a large volume reduction. In some cases, with smaller areas or with smaller volumes in delicate areas, the operation requires a bit more planning and finesse; “liposculpture” is sometimes used to describe this procedure.

Combining Your Procedures

Our liposuction procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures, enabling you to truly craft the body of your dreams. Liposuction is effective on all areas of the body, including the face, neck, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, lower legs, and arms, and is a great way to eliminate troublesome deposits of fat that won’t respond to traditional weight loss techniques.

Liposuction is commonly performed on both men and women, and may very well be the most common procedure performed on men. Men will tend to seek correction of the chest, abdomen, and especially the flank areas. Women will tend to seek correction of the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and arms. Less often, liposuction is performed on the leg below the knee to treat the calves and knees.

Before and After Liposuction

View All Before & Afters

How Is Liposuction Performed?

We utilize a technique known as tumescent anesthesia, which accomplishes several things: It reduces bleeding and therefore bruising after the procedure, while also resulting in far less discomfort after the procedure, making the liposuction procedure itself more efficient.

Your surgeon will make small incisions, placed inconspicuously in your skin’s natural creases, before using a high-vacuum instrument called a cannula, which is a tube inserted through the incisions into the treatment area.

A vacuum pump removes fat by suction as the cannula is moved under the skin, with the amount of fat removed varying depending on your goals and the treatment area. Typically fat is removed along with a portion of the tumescent solution.

After Your Procedure

After your liposuction procedure, the incisions will be closed with small stitches, and you’ll be fitted with a compression garment that we recommended you wear for up to six weeks. Most activities can be resumed within two to three weeks, depending on the extent of your procedure.

The Best in Body Contouring

Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet, nor is it useful for generalized weight reduction – it selectively removes fat only from specific areas. The goal of the operation is always contouring of the treated body areas. When only one or two small areas are treated, local anesthesia may be used. When multiple or large areas are treated, IV sedation or general anesthesia is usually administered.

During liposuction, fat can be taken from one area of the body and repositioned in another area to improve contour in that second area, a process that is often referred to as fat injection or grafting. Fat is typically transferred to areas of volume loss such as the lower face and to the lips. In some cases areas where folds or creases develop are filled with fat from another area.

Introducing the Revolutionary SmartLipo

Dr. Garramone is proud to offer a minimally invasive type of liposuction, using a new system called SmartLipo. SmartLipo is the most advanced laser-assisted lipolysis system available, and it is the only one of its kind with intelligent delivery systems that keep safety and consistency in mind. With eight years worth of clinical studies, it is the most studied system of its kind today, and is FDA approved.

This laser-assisted lipolysis system uses three different laser wavelengths — 1440, 1064, and 1320nm – which allows Dr. Garramone to customize your treatment based on your specific needs and cosmetic goals.

This incredible procedure can help reduce fat and tighten skin in the jowls, face, neck, thighs, stomach, chest, and other areas.

Unlike conventional liposuction, SmartLipo tightens the skin, so there is less loose skin left behind, and fewer worries about dimpling and sagging after the procedure.

SmartLipo tightens tissue, permanently destroys fat cells and improves the overall body shape, and treats areas that conventional liposuction cannot reach.

Am I a Candidate for SmartLipo?

SmartLipo works best for men and women who are not significantly overweight but have accumulated fat deposits such as love handles, flappy upper arms, or excess neck, face, and/or torso fat. It is specially made for those who exercise and diet but cannot lose that little bit of fat. It is best for those who are in good health.

While this isn’t a weight loss solution, it is a great way to enjoy body contouring that lets you address persistent areas that just won’t respond to normal healthy habits like diet and exercise. Set up your consultation at our Fort Myers location, and learn more about this procedure today!


The SmartLipo Procedure

SmartLipo is performed by inserting a small cannula, about the size of the tip of the pen, under the skin, while a laser delivers energy through the cannula directly to the fat cells. This energy causes the fat cells to rupture and liquefy, allowing Dr. Garramone to gently suction them out of your body. This procedure also encourages the production of new collagen while tightening the skin, as the laser also works to cauterize blood cells, ensuring minimal bleeding.

Since this lipolysis is minimally invasive, a local anesthetic can be used, meaning you’ll be able to remain awake during your procedure for a much faster, easier recovery. You’d be able to resume normal activities within a few days, with little more than slight bruising present in the treatment area. Compression bandages may need to be worn for a week or two after the procedure. Side effects are minimal.