Scarless Labiaplasty with AVIVA

If you’re feeling uncomfortable with the appearance of your genital area, you’re absolutely not alone. Plenty of women experience what’s known as lengthened labia, which is characterized by the pronounced presence of the labia minora. While this can sometimes be limited to a cosmetic issue, other times, it can cause discomfort and even pain, particularly during intimate activities. The AVIVA FemTite procedure is a labiaplasty procedure that can reduce the size of the labia minora without leaving behind scarring once the procedure is complete. For more information about what this procedure can do for you, reach out and set up a consultation at our Fort Myers office today.

How Can FemTite Help Me?

AVIVA’s FemTite procedure is an impressively effective way to decrease the presence of lengthened labia minora, without the need for invasive surgery, and without any scarring left behind once the procedure is over. During your consultation, we’ll talk you through your options, and help you decide exactly which treatment is right for you.

You’re likely a great candidate for this treatment if you’re looking to address:

  • Enlarged labia
  • Laxity of the labia
  • Excess skin
  • Introitus
  • Mons pubis laxity

How Does the Procedure Work?

The AVIVA FemTite procedure utilizes a combination of two highly advanced techniques to produce noticeable results without the need for any kind of invasive procedure. Radiofrequency energy will be delivered to specific depths of the treatment area, causing the tissues to tighten and contract while also stimulating the production of collagen and elastin for an overall more youthful appearance.

At the same time, microneedling will be used to further encourage tightening of the skin while also going even further to encourage your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. These compounds go a long way towards keeping the treatment area looking youthful. The entire treatment takes about one hour, and your recovery period will be minimal at best. We’ll answer any questions during your consultation.

Impressive Results, Non-Surgical Treatments

Here at Garramone Plastic Surgery, we’ve been bringing patients in line with impressive surgical results for nearly 20 years now. We also pride ourselves on our ability to offer a wide variety of non-surgical treatments, enabling you to pick from a number of minimally-invasive options that will create impressive results without requiring you to take time out of your daily life.

If you’re ready to learn more about these procedures and what they can do for you, we’re excited to hear from you! Reach out and set up your consultation at Garramone Plastic Surgery, and take the first steps on your cosmetic journey today.
