Non-Surgical Body Contouring

You might have noticed that certain parts of your body just don’t want to respond to healthy eating and regular exercise...but you also might not be interested in undergoing an invasive surgical procedure or dealing with the recovery period and downtime that typically follows. Here at Garramone Plastic Surgery, we offer Emsculpt NEO, a non-surgical body contouring treatment that can destroy stubborn fat cells while also working to tighten and tone muscles in the treatment area at the very same time. If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure, reach out and set up your consultation at Garramone Plastic Surgery today!

How Does Emsculpt NEO work?

Emsculpt NEO: Mechanism of Action

What Can Emsculpt NEO Do for Me?

During your consultation, we’ll talk you through the various options we have available to you here at Garramone Plastic Surgery. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer our patients an impressive variety of treatment options, so we’ll help you decide whether or not this is the right way to achieve your cosmetic goals.

You’re likely a great candidate for Emsculpt NEO if you’re looking to tighten and tone stubborn pockets of extra fat in the following areas:

  • Stomach
  • Buttocks
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Upper Arms

How Does the Procedure Work?

While some body contouring treatments offer a fat-melting solution, and others work to tighten and tone muscles in the treatment area, the Emsculpt NEO treatment is the only one that does both, melting fat while also working to encourage toned muscles at the very same time.

Similar to the original Emsculpt treatment, the Emsculpt NEO uses radiofrequency energy, which heats specific layers of subcutaneous fat cells, destroying them permanently and enabling your body to simply metabolize them away. The result typically involves up to a 30% reduction in fat.

While radiofrequency energy works to melt away fat, HIFEM+ (high intensity electromagnetic) energy causes your muscles to tighten and contract, as they would during a workout. The result: Less fat, more muscle, and an overall toned and tight look that you’ll absolutely love!

How Long Does Emsculpt NEO Last? 

Emsculpt Neo typically provides patients results for about six months or more. The fat destroyed during treatments (up to 30% per treatment) is permanently gone. We recommend maintaining a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine to maintain general results and muscle tone for as long as possible. Follow-up Emsculpt Neo treatments are recommended every few months

Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt Neo? 

Individuals who want a safe, non-invasive way to tone, slim, and sculpt their physique are generally candidates for Emsculpt Neo. Ideal candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • BMI is 35 or lower
  • Are within 30 pounds of their ideal weight
  • You are not nursing or pregnant
  • Feel capable of maintaining their level of body fat and muscle
  • BMI is in a healthy, lower range, but would like to build and sculpt the muscles

What Will My Recovery Be Like? 

Your treatment is intense but not painful and requires no injections or incisions. Because Emsculpt Neo treatments are non-invasive, there is no downtime or period of recovery. You may feel mild soreness, but it is less than what you would experience after a hard workout. You will begin to see results within two weeks of your final treatment.

Enjoy the Results You Deserve

Cosmetics is never a one-size-fits-all situation. Each patient who comes through our door brings with them not only a unique set of physical characteristics but also a highly individualized set of goals and cosmetic concerns, as well.

We’ll work closely with you to get to know as much as we can about both, so we can work together to create the bespoke treatment plan that will bring you in line with your goals and enable you to absolutely love the way you look, every single day. If you’re ready to learn more about what Dr. Garramone and his incredible team can do for you, don’t hesitate — reach out and set up your consultation at Garramone Plastic Surgery today!
